Climate change is a phenomenon that is manifested in an increase in average global temperature. This temperature rise has consequences for the intensity of extreme weather around the world.

climate anomalies experienced in the last century, or lived in the coming decades, could include changes in the ways in which they currently experience interannual and interdecadal variation in climate.

El Niño events more frequent or intense hurricanes of greater magnitude, heat waves or cold more pronounced are some of the ways the atmosphere could express climatic changes resulting from human activity.
phenomenon scholars have concluded that climate change is caused mainly by human activity. The intensive use of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gasoline, diesel, natural gas and fuel oil) and burning and forest loss are two major sources of this problem.

"Climate change" means a change of climate attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.
According to scientists who have analyzed this phenomenon, we have increasingly more extreme weather and more intense weather events.

are also fears that the ice sheets que actualmente permanecen en las partes más frías del planeta (en los polos y en las montañas más altas) se vayan derritiendo, lo que aumentará el nivel medio del mar, inundando permanentemente amplias zonas costeras.
Pero el cambio climático no solo consiste en las emisiones, también son el consumo de recursos naturales sin renovación, el reciclaje, el problema de los residuos sólidos, la contaminación de ríos en forma de aumento de la temperatura del mismo, afección de la vida de los animales y peces.
Climate change is caused by an action exacerbated the greenhouse effect, resulting from a change in the chemical composition of the atmosphere, ie the quantity and variety of some of the gases that comprise it.
The atmosphere is a mixture of several gases and aerosols (solid and liquid particles in suspension). Its composition is remarkably homogeneous, the result of mixing processes that take place. 50% of the mass of the atmosphere is concentrated below 5 km above sea level and dominated two gases: Nitrogen (N2, 78%) and oxygen (O2, 21%).
Derived from human activity, a large number of gases have been emitted into the atmosphere, which has slightly changed the composition of it. As an example we can mention that the concentration of various greenhouse gases has changed.
In the last three hundred years the amount of carbon dioxide increased from 280 to 368 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3 or ppm) of methane, 0.7 to 1.75 mg/m3, and nitrous oxide from 0.27 to 0.316 mg/m3. This means that in volume, now carbon dioxide is 0.046% of the atmosphere instead of 0.035%, the methane is now 0.00037% instead of 0.00015%, and rust Nitrous is 0.00000187% instead of 0.0000016%.
Although these concentrations are very small compared to the oxygen or nitrogen, they really change is affecting the planet.
To better understand climate change, it is then necessary to know what is the greenhouse effect and greenhouse gases.
The greenhouse effect The greenhouse effect is a natural atmospheric phenomenon that keeps Earth's temperature by retaining energy from the Earth Sol.La permanently receives a stream of sunlight, a part of

In turn, the surface of the Earth gives its energy back into the atmosphere and into space as heat waves, known as long wave radiation (infrared radiation).
However, not all the energy released by the Earth is returned to space, some of it is trapped in the atmosphere due to the existence of certain gases called greenhouse gases, which have the ability to absorb and re-emit radiation from the surface Earth.
greenhouse gases trap heat emitted by the Earth and keep it within the atmosphere, acting as a "giant greenhouse. This phenomenon is known as the Greenhouse Effect.
solar radiation through the atmosphere and reaches the surface (continents and oceans), which absorbs it. Then the surface is heated and emits terrestrial radiation which is absorbed in part by water vapor, CO2 and other greenhouse gases contained in the atmosphere. Without greenhouse gases the Earth would be too cold to harbor life. Earth intercepts
basically visible radiation, from sunlight, which penetrates to the surface. The surface is heated and emits back longwave radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing warming of the latter. This process is responsible for the temperature of the Earth's surface is about 14 º C higher than it would if there were not this phenomenon.
is important to note that not all the heat that is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere remains, but a portion goes back into space. The Earth's climate depends precisely on the energy balance between solar radiation and the radiation emitted by the Earth. The greenhouse gases are key in this process.
The importance of surface features surround
greenhouse intensity depends largely on the characteristics of the enveloping surface that allows and / or prevents the passage of radiant energy and the ways in which energy is presented.
The greenhouse effect occurs in any planet or moon that has atmosphere. If Earth had no atmosphere would be 33 ° cooler, an ice planet.
Indeed, in a greenhouse has a transparent enclosure that allows the passage of solar radiation but prevent the heat by the radiation inside out quickly. This leads to the accumulation of heat and warming the interior space.
For purposes of understanding this phenomenon on our planet, that area is precisely the atmosphere. Through it, the rays from the sun are absorbed by different parts of the climate system: the proper atmosphere, oceans, glaciers, soils, and various forms of life. Also through the atmosphere, a percentage of the heat absorbed is reflected back into space.
The Earth's climate depends precisely on the energy balance between incoming solar radiation and emitted thermal radiation for Land and demonstrations of energy flow in the atmosphere are precisely the manifestations of climate: hot, cold, rain, storm, winds.
greenhouse gases
According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): "For greenhouse gases means those gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic (human), that absorb and re-emit infrared radiation "
The natural greenhouse gases are responsible for the existence of the greenhouse effect, a phenomenon that keeps the temperature of the Earth and allowing the presence of life on the planet.
greenhouse gases are:
Water vapor (H2O)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
Ozone (O3)
In turn, the greenhouse gases generated by human activities are:
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
Perfluorometano (CF4) and perfluoroetano (C2F6)
hydrofluorocarbons (trade names: HFC-23, HFCS-134a, HFC- 152a)
sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
aforementioned gases are regulated by the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol.
Human activity has been changing the volume and the proportion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In particular, the volume of these gases has been growing ever more rapidly and, therefore, the effect has also been increasing.
Because of the relationship between greenhouse gases and climate change, it is important to identify these gas emitting sectors and the quantities released.

The causes of increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere are well identified. These are industrial and domestic use of fuels containing carbon (oil, coal, natural gas and firewood), deforestation, which causes the decomposition of organic material and burning of plant biomass. In the case of methane are agriculture (eg. Rice), natural gas use, landfills, an increase of livestock herds, and the burning of plant biomass. However, indiscriminate and wasteful use of fuel the main generator of the current trend.
percentages and periods increased amounts of carbon and methane indicate that the transfer of carbon into the atmosphere does not respond

About three-quarters of anthropogenic emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere over the last 120 years are due to burning fossil fuels. The rest is mainly due to changes in land use, especially deforestation
Historical evolution of carbon dioxide concentrations ymetano, 1700-2000
In this sense, the atmospheric CO2 concentration rose from 280 parts per million (ppm) in 1700, to 368 ppm in 2000, representing an increase of 31 per case. It is estimated that the current concentration is greater than occurred during any period in the last 420.000 years, and it is highly likely to be the maximum of the last 20 million years.
is very difficult to know exactly what will happen on the planet if we continue to emit large amounts of GHG.
There are people who believe that nothing will happen because human nature will correct this error. But there are fewer who believe this. Today, most scientists agree that climate change is a real problem and, if we do something about it, we will begin to suffer the consequences sooner or later. Some may be feeling now ...
But ... What consequences are they?

First, as a consequence of rising global temperature, freshwater reservoirs in the solid state (poles and permanent snow) would begin to melt. If this happens, not only lose valuable ecosystems for humanity and water reserves may be crucial in the future, but also begin to suffer the following consequence of climate change ...
... raising the level of the sea.

And you think what is so severe that ... Well, if you think of the many cities located on coasts of continents you will notice that many of them will be flooded and its inhabitants must find new places to live.

But floods are not limited to costs, will also in other sectors because scientists predict that in certain parts of the world climate change will manifest itself by increasing the amount of rainfall. In others, in contrast, it will rain less and less, leading to more frequent droughts.

There are many species that can not move to environments suited to their needs and may fail to survive where they are. Imagine since plants can not move, and if the seeds come away, will always be the lower the chances of survival. But they are also insects, lower mammals, many reptiles, birds ...
And all this will affect humans. You know we depend on the environment so that if our planet is so degraded, we suffer the consequences. Countries predict hunger and disease and it is not illogical to think that to happen because so much flooding, drought, fire, etc. there will be plenty of room for crops and livestock.
- is simple: By reducing pollution from vehicles and power plants. We immediately generalize the use of existing technologies for building cleaner cars and power generators more modern. We can start using renewable energy sources like wind, solar and geothermal. And we can manufacture more efficient appliances and conserve energy.
- What I can do to help combat global warming?
There are many simple steps you can take now to reduce pollution that causes global warming and combat global warming. Make energy conservation part of their routine daily. Each time you choose a compact fluorescent light bulb instead of an incandescent bulb, for example, decreases your energy bill and keep nearly 300 kilos of carbon dioxide are emitted into the air during the life of the bulb. When choosing a refrigerator with the Energy Star label, which indicates that use at least 15% less energy from federal requirements, rather than a model with less efficient use of energy, can reduce carbon dioxide pollution near a tonne . The most important are:
1. Water: Consume the fair.
Avoid unnecessary costs of water with these tips: Best
shower bath. Save 7,000 liters per year. Keep the shower running
only the time required, closing while soaping.
not leave the tap running while you brush your teeth or shaving.
not wash the foods with the tap open, use a container. Upon completion, this water can be used for watering plants.
soaping not under running water,
Use the washing machine and dishwasher only when fully loaded.
not throw the toilet sticks, paper, cigarette butts, sanitary towels, tampons or condoms, is not the garbage. Repair leaks immediately
, 10 drops of water per minute represent 2,000 liters of water a year wasted.
Use native plants that require less care and less water.
Reuse of the water we use your washing machine, this will be used for bathing, cleaning floors, doing cleaning or washing the front of your home.
not empty the tank of the toilet unnecessarily.
not throw the used oil through the dishwasher, disposable plastic envásalos. Floats on water and is very difficult to remove.
not throw any garbage into the sea, rivers or lakes. Waters
gardens and streets with unsafe water.
The best time to water is late afternoon as it prevents the evaporation
food cooking water can be used to water the plants
gel, shampoo and detergents are environmentally friendly. They should be used sparingly and ser posible optar por productos ecológicos.No olvides plantar un árbol por lo menos una vez en tu vida.
2. BASURAS: Más de la mitad son reciclables ¿Por qué no las RECICLAMOS y AHORRAMOS?
La ley de las 3 Erres: RECICLAR, REDUCIR el consumo innecesario e irresponsable y REUTILIZAR los bienes.
Al recuperar cajas de cartón o envases que también son hechos con papel contribuyes a que se talen menos árboles, encargados de capturar metano y de purificar el aire. Al reutilizar 100 kilogramos de papel se salva la vida de al menos 7 árboles.
Separa las basuras que generas. Debes consultar en tu administración local o en tu unidad residencial si disponen de un sistema de selección de basuras.
Usa recycled paper and writes always provided by the two sides. Use
not waste napkins, tissues, toilet paper or other paper. Choose
whenever possible glass containers instead of plastic, Tetra and aluminum.
Remember that there are companies dedicated to the purchase of recyclable materials such as newsprint, old books, bottles etc.
3. FOOD: Reduce consumption of red meat
Decrease consumption of red meat because cattle rearing contributes to global warming, clearing the decline árbolesy rivers. Producing a kilo of meat
spends more than 365 water showers. Canned goods are resource and energy. Do not eat canned tuna
especially because it is in danger of extinction. Avoid foods "GMOs" (genetically modified organisms
GMOs) and their production pollutes the environment deteriorating ecosystems
Do not eat exotic animals such as turtles, capybaras, iguanas, etc.
Eat more fruits, vegetables and legumes to meat.
Never buy fish from small sizes to consume.
If you consume organic food (no pesticides, no insecticides, etc.)
4. ENERGY: Do not consume more
Use hot water only when necessary and only necessary, connect the heater two hours a day, gradually between 50 and 60 degrees and if you try to bathe with cold water is healthier. Avoid using excessive
plate, the water heater or washing machine, they spend a lot of energy and deplete the resources to generate. This leads to countries see the need to use oil, coal or gas for controlled energy supply, fuels that generate gases such as carbon dioxide, the temperature rising. Best
cooking with gas than with electricity. OFF the TV, radio, lights, computer (screen) but those are using.
In your workplace, turn off the lights
common areas underutilized. Use
bulbs low energy consumption.
Moderate consumption of aluminum cans.
not use PVC or buy products at all, very much in its pollution contaminates, pollutes a lot and is not recyclable.
private vehicle use, make efficient use of car
not travel alone, arranges group or public transport. While inflating your car tires to save gasoline and engine do not burn too much.
Start using the bike as far as possible. Check
gas emissions of your vehicle.
not accelerate when the vehicle is not moving.
Reduces Air Conditioning as this reduces the output and rising consumption of gasoline.
Moderate your speed: On the road never exceed 110 kilometers per hour and above that produced an exaggerated consumption of fuel.
not load your vehicle unnecessarily a lot of weight: The heavier the load increased fuel consumption.
Use recycled paper usually encourages the use of products made from waste paper
Reduce paper consumption
Use the leaves on both sides
Make photocopies only essential
Reuse envelopes, boxes, etc. Rejects
single-use products
7. EDUCATION: Educate
younger and everything you know on respect for nature.
- Kyoto-like agreement
The Bali summit on climate agrees to facilitate the access to clean technologies
begin the work of the session, giving appointment to 10,000 representatives from 190 countries to find a post-Kyoto protocol
Representatives of 190 countries looking for today on the Indonesian island of Bali a climate change protocol to replace Kyoto when it expires in 2012. According to the secretary of the UN Climate Change, Yvo de Boer, the summit has begun in a "very encouraging", as they have secured two agreements for the future development of this new protocol. On the one hand, it has created a panel to find ways to continue discussions over the next two years to engage more intensely in the fight against climate change to the U.S. and other countries like China and India. It has also agreed to consider how to transfer technology to developing countries so that they can do to pollute the least.
Thus, although there are uncertainties that can not quantify with sufficient accuracy the changes in climate, the information validated so far is enough to take immediate action, according to the so-called "precautionary principle" which refers Article 3 of the Framework Convention on Climate Change. Inertia, delays and the irreversibility of the climate system are important factors to consider, and the longer it takes to make these measures, the effects of increased concentrations of greenhouse gases will be less reversible.
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