are steels that contain no relatively large amounts of other elements (which are shown in the table at right). According the percentage of carbon steels are classified:
-Steel supersoft, from 0.1 to 0.2%, resist 35 kg / mm ^ 2
Acero- soft from 0.2 to 0.3%, resist 45 kg / mm ^ 2
Acero- semisuave , from 0.3 to 0.4%, resist 55 kg / mm ^ 2
Acero- flint, from 0.4 to 0.5%, resist 65 kg / mm ^ 2
hard-Acero, from 0.5 to 0.6% &, 75 resists kg / mm ^ 2
Acero- extradural , from 0.6 to 0.7%, resist 85 kg / mm ^ 2
or special alloy steels
steels are also the five elements: carbon, silicon , manganese, phosphorus and sulfur, also contain higher amounts than those shown in the table above, that might make some of its key features.

Almost all of the steels used are alloy steels. There are several ways classify the alloy. One of the most used is the so-called conventional designation number
, where steels are classified according to their application. Each steel is indicated by the letter F, followed by a dash and four digits:
, where steels are classified according to their application. Each steel is indicated by the letter F, followed by a dash and four digits:
F-1000, Steel Construction fine
F-2000, special-purpose steels
F-3000, stainless steel
F-4000, Emergency Steel
F-5000, tool steels
F-6000 and F-7000, tool steels
F-8000, steel molding
• The second number indicates characteristics of the steel.
• The last two digits are worth qualifier and are placed as they are discovered
different steels.
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