Monday, February 23, 2009

Hilti Bolt Gun Dx 460 Uae

The obtained liquid steel through the furnace or using the converter is solidified, using any of the following methods of casting:

1. conventional casting (molding)

consists of pouring the liquid steel molds to the shape of the part that is desired. Subsequently allowed to cool the metal and later removed the piece.

2. Continuous casting

Is he more modern budget exists. Steel is to pour the liquid over a bottomless mold and cover with a cross section curve and the geometric shape of the product to get. The liquid steel, as is moving, it cools.

3. ingot casting on
If at a particular time of ferrous demand is low and no outlet Commercial
(occurs rarely), which is done strain it inside molds (molds cast prismatic, conical-shaped and square cross section) and allow to cool. Subsequently, the mold is removed and stored bullion until demand increases.


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