undeniable evidence that people with blood A and AB have a higher incidence of cancer and less likely survival than those of groups O and B. The AB has the highest percentage.
There are many causes of cancer: chemical carcinogens, radiation and other genetic factors, etc.., Generally independent of blood type. The snuff, for instance, is a carcinogen powerful enough to cause cancer itself, regardless of blood type.
Many tumor cells have unique antigens on their surface or indicators. The breast cancer patients often show high levels of tumor antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3), an indicator of breast cancer. Patients with ovarian cancer often have high levels of antigen 125 (CA 125). Patients with prostate cancer may have high-specific antigen Prostate (PSA) and so on. These antigens are used to study disease progression and treatment efficacy. Many indicators have blood group activity. Sometimes the tumor markers are antigens incomplete or defective blood type in a normal cell would become part of the person's blood system.
cancer-lectin connection
Under normal circumstances, the production of sugars by a cell is highly specific and controlled.
But in a cancer cell's genetic material is disrupted, cancer cells lose control over the production
of sugars and produce in larger quantities than normal
a cell. Cancer cells are more likely to confuse than normal if they come into contact with the appropriate lectin and are 100 times more sensitive to the effects of lectin binding to normal cells when malignant cells are grouped in large masses of hundreds, thousands or millions of cancer cells, the immune system and antibodies reactive can destroy them.
This search and destruction is carried out by the powerful scavenger cells found in the liver.
Lectins are widely used to study the molecular biology of cancer, helping to identify called indicators unique antigens on the surface of cancer cells. Beyond that, its use is limited, which is unfortunate because identifying the blood type of a person with a particular type of cancer and using appropriate lectins derived from the blood type diet, it has a tool powerful that it can be used in any patient with cancer to improve their chances of survival.
Breast Cancer
Women who have breast cancer and recover fully are O or B groups mostly with removal surgery but not chemotherapy.
Many tumor markers have attributes of type A, which allows them easy access to the systems of groups A and AB. Antigens can not catch, surround and destroy the cancer cells first because they are masked. Ideally, getting mammograms prevent cancer, make specific diet especially increasing the amount of soy, adding specific naturopathic herbs and vitamins and do yoga or tai chi chuan. . The vaccine antigen
: Dr. George Springer of Chicago investigated the effects of a vaccine whose base is a molecule known as T antigen, which is an indicator tumor present in many cancers, especially in the breast. Healthy people have antibodies against T. Springer believes that a vaccine composed of T antigen and indicator AC15-3 tumor can then help reorganize and revive the suppressed immune systems in cancer patients, helping them to attack and destroy cancer cells.
Other cancers
The condition is essentially the same in all cancers, but there are variations related to the cause and type of blood. The tumor markers related to type A or type B exert considerable control over the manner in which the immune system reacts invasion and growth of cancer.
While nearly all show a preference for groups A and AB, there are ways similar to group B as the bladder and female reproductive tract. The group O seems to be much more resistant to the development of almost all cancers. Its simple sugars (fucosas), quickly removed the cancer cells similar to type A or in some cases, type B, developing anti-A and anti-B. Unfortunately, little is known about the relationship cancer / blood, except for breast cancer.
Brain Tumors
Most cancers of the brain and nervous system such as glioma multiforme and astrocytoma show a preference for groups ay AB. His tumor markers are related to the type A.
Cancer of the female reproductive
uterine cancers, cervical, ovarian and lips, women show a preference for A and AB, although a large number of women B who suffer. This means that different tumor markers according to circumstances. Ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids, which are usually benign but can be a sign of susceptibility to cancer generate copious quantities of A and B.
colon cancer
The most powerful determinant is not the type of blood. The real risk factors are related to diet, lifestyle and temperament. Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome with no cure in time leave the broken system and exposed to cancer.
high-fat diet, smoking and alcohol consumption creates an ideal medium for digestive cancers. The risk is higher if a family history of colon cancer.
Cancer of the mouth and upper digestive tract
cancers of the lip, tongue, gums and cheeks, salivary gland tumors and esophageal cancer are strongly related groups A and AB . Most are self-generated, although the risks can be lessened if he abstains from snuff, moderate alcohol consumption and controlling your diet.
stomach and esophagus cancer
Stomach cancer is attracted by the low levels of gastric acid and AB Epidemic and China, Japan and Korea-to Bido traditional diet rich in smoked, spiced and fermented to counteract the beneficial effect of soy.
Cancer of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts
These cancers are rare in group O . The higher risk ay AB and B have some susceptibility, particularly if they eat many foods, "hard" as nuts and seeds. Many first therapies included large portions of fresh liver of sheep, horse and buffalo that helped not know why until it was discovered that these livers contain lectins that slowed the growth and spread of these cancers.
A patient with liver cancer he had received a transplant and for 2 years he switched the immunosuppressive anti-rejection drugs naturopathic techniques. The disease improved and was able to discontinue drug therapy, but two years later he detected suspicious lesions in the lungs that could not be operated. Was treated with the basic diet A, lectin A phytochemical cancer and other immune enhancers. It recommended a shark cartilage preparation to drink and used as an enema. The lesions in the lung scar tissue became even then began to disappear. Spent three years free of symptoms and later died. The case is especially
interesting because the patient over that period had no other treatment
naturopath and because their doctors at Harvard supported to use a naturopathic physician, that is, all medical systems operated together for the improvement of the patient. The total cost of therapy was less than $ 1,500 in contrast to what had been spent on conventional treatment.
lymphomas, leukemias and Hodgkin's disease
are cancers that occur predominantly group O might not be true cancers but viral infections that attack relentlessly.
Lung Cancer
is truly nonspecific and has no particular connection to the blood type. The most common cause is smoking, but is also caused by other factors.
Prostate Cancer
A higher level of this cancer in the secretory, and more on ay AB than for O or B. A secretor A or AB runs the highest risk.
Skin cancer and bone
The skin is the only one where there are more people in Or perhaps because the Northern European (predominantly group O) react to increasing levels of ultraviolet radiation.
Malignant melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer and ay AB at greatest risk, although the O and B are not immune.
The bone seems to show a preference for group B , although there is some risk to the A and AB.
urinary tract cancer
bladder cancer in both men and women, occurs most often in A and B. The AB is the greatest risk . People suffering from group B recurrent bladder infections and kidney (much more than the A) should be especially cautious, as it inevitably leads to more serious conditions. A mysterious connection: the wheat germ agglutinin, the lectin that can act favorably with intraductal cancer and lobular breast cancer, paradoxically, accelerates the growth of bladder cancer cells.