liver disease

liver disease related to alcoholism Non-secretors (not secrete their antigen in the saliva, semen, etc.) seem to be more prone to alcoholism because the gene that determines whether or not you are secreting porciĆ³ndel occupies the same DNA that the gene for alcoholism. And the funny thing is that they are also those who benefit most from moderate alcohol intake alters the rate of insulin flow, stopping the accumulation of fat in blood vessels. It's a mixed message to be decoded. Probably the answer is
that decisions about the role of alcohol should be taken on an individual basis and considering the blood group. Due to the effects of alcohol on the digestive and immune systems, distilled spirits high ranking are not allowed.
Another important component of alcoholism is stress and many people in the group A may have a predilection for obtaining the relaxation through the ingestion of chemicals inhibidoras.Solamente 3% of alcohol consumed is excreted. The rest is metabolized by the liver and processed in the stomach and small intestine. If consumption is regular and intensive, the liver is damaged and leads to liver cirrhosis, severe malnutrition due to poor assimilation of food, and death.
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