The use of ferrous imposes great impacts on the environment, which can be divided into three stages:
• When obtaining the raw material. Most of the mines that operate currently are open. This causes a noise impact, landscape and habitat destruction.
The production of coking coal emits the following pollutants: CO, CO2, ammonia, tar, ash and smoke, among others.
• During the processing of ore in commercial product. EMI

- Heavy metals like lead, mercury, etc., Which pollute the air, water and land.
- waste gases and dust.
- blast furnace gas and electric oven, such as CO, CO2, SOx, NOx, etc..
addition, there are other types of pollution, such as:
- sludges from the purification of gases.
- Waste water contaminated with oil, acids, and so on.
- Noise pollution.
measures used to counter these effects are:
- Isolation of areas where there are machines that emit a loud noise.
- Filtering of particles, heavy metals and gases.
- Separation of urban industrial areas.
- Isolation of areas where there are machines that emit a loud noise.
- Filtering of particles, heavy metals and gases.
- Separation of urban industrial areas.
• dispose or recycle a used ferrous product. Recycling also having an impact on the environment, but the effects are much smaller than those caused by manufacturing the product from iron.
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