Mills are iron-carbon alloy that can contain other elements and the percentage carbon ranges from 1.76 to 6.67%.
features a cast not only depend on its composition, but the manufacturing process.
foundry rankings
are classified according to fracture (appearance and color it acquires when it breaks), the properties and composition:
Type Foundry Types
1.Ordinaria. takes only iron and carbon.
1.1 Moulding white. is very hard and brittle. Only be used as a raw Prum to make alloys malleable.
1.2 Cast iron. Its color is gray, because the carbon is in the form of graphite. Used in spheroidal graphite cast malleable.
atruchada Foundry 1.3. has intermediate properties between white and gray cast
2.When. addition of iron and carbon, has other chemicals that improve their properties.
3.Especial. feedstock uses ordinary castings. Then subjected to heat treatment. 3.1
white heart malleable. piece is molded in white cast iron. Is coated with iron ore and placed in an oven at about 1 000 ° C for about 10 days. Slowly cools the oven for about 5 days to room temperature.
3.2 Malleable black heart. piece is molded in white cast iron. The piece is covered with sand and placed in an oven at 900 ° C for 6 days. Slowly cools the oven for about 5 days to room temperature. 3.3
pearlitic malleable. piece is molded in white cast iron. Is covered with sand and gets into an oven at a temperature of 900 ° C for 5 days. Cooled slowly for about 2 days to room temperature.
3.4 Ductile Malleable or modular. A gray cast iron is added to cerium and magnesium. Then poured into a mold and allowed to cool to room temperature.
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