Persons A and AB should follow a diet rich in fiber and low in animal products. Soy
A 3 to 11% of each tofu cake is composed of soybean agglutinin able to selectively identify the first mutant cells producing antigen to and evicted from the system type.
only takes a small amount for agglutination.
soybean lectin also contains genestein and diazidén, the estrogen-related compounds and possess other properties that may help reduce the blood supply to tumor cells. Soybeans
in all its forms are beneficial for groups A and AB as a general preventive against cancer. The soybean plant proteins are easier to use for these groups.
Group B can consume soy foods, but is not found to have the same action on their bloodstream. Peanut
The peanut agglutinin contains a specific lectin-sensitive breast cancer cells, particularly in the way core. The peanut lectin shows less activity against other forms of breast cancer, ductal lobular and scirrhous. Eat peanuts with your skin (do not peel). No peanut butter is a good source of lectin because it is processed and homogenized. Lentils
lens culinaris lectin in green or red lentils shows a specific predilection for the ways lobe, spinal cord and stromal breast cancer and is likely to affect other related cancers.
Type A.
White Beans (beans), / beans
The lectin is one of the most potent binders of all cells of the type, whether or not cancer.
If healthy, the beans will be harmed, so can not be used as protection, but if you have cancer akin to the kind, eat beans.
The wheat germ agglutinin has a high affinity for cancers of group a.
agglutinin concentrated in the seed coat and unprocessed wheat bran provides the greatest amount of this lectin.
edible snail Helix pomatia.
If you belong to groups A or AB eat snails. It is a powerful binder of breast cancer, capazde determine whether cancer cells will metastasize to lymph nodes
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