menopause and menstrual problems
For many women, the lower production of estrogen and progesterone causes profound mental and physical disorders including hot flashes, loss of libido, depression, hair loss and skin changes. The decline in female hormones also creates a risk of cardiovascular disease, and estrogen apparently protects the heart and reduces cholesterol levels. Osteoporosis is another consequence. Many doctors prescribe high doses of estrogen and sometimes progesterone. Many women are suspicious of this therapy because some studies show an increased risk of breast cancer, especially if there is family history.
This is a dilemma.
If you know your blood type, you can make better decisions.
If group O or B and is entering menopause, start exercising properly for your blood type, physical condition and lifestyle. Eat a diet rich in protein. Conventional therapy of estrogen replacement usually takes effect in O and B women unless they have high risk factors for breast cancer.
If you belong to or AB groups should avoid estrogen replacement due to their high susceptibility to breast cancer. Use phytoestrogens, mainly soy beans, alfalfa and sweet potatoes. Many of these preparations are available in cream form that can be applied to the skin several times a day. Phytoestrogens are usually rich in sterile, while chemical estrogens (synthetic) are based on estradiol. The
estriol supplementation inhibits breast cancer incidence.
Phytoestrogens lack the power of estrogen chemicals, but are effective against accesosde heat and vaginal dryness. In Japan, where the diet is high in phytoestrogens, no menopausal problems because soy products contain phytoestrogens and diaziden genestein.
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