amoebic dysentery, Giardiasis, Ascariasis and Infection with tapeworm
can thrive in the digestive tracts of anyone, but seem to prefer to those of groups A and AB , mimicking the type-specific antigen to avoid detection. The common parasitic amoeba prefers A and AB, who are more likely to have complications from parasitic cysts lodged in the liver. The A and AB with amoebic dysentery should take stringent measures to treat the infection before it advances.
These two groups are also sensitive to the parasite Giardia lamblia, common water contaminant that mimics the type to reach their intestines. For travelers in groups A and AB should carry a supply of grass Hydrastis canadensis or Pepto Bismol to stop the infection. Parasitic worms such as tapeworm and roundworms have an affinity for types A and B, which returned to the group AB
particularly susceptible. Parasites were treated successfully with a Chinese herb called wormwood (Artemisia annua.)
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